Samsung Tricks Apple, Pays $1Billion in 5-Cent Coins

Samsung Tricks Apple, Pays $1Billion in 5-Cent Coins

Truckloads of 5-cent coins have been delivered starting today by Samsung to the Apple headquarters to comply a US court order demanding the Korean firm to pay damages after losing a case filed by the American firm. So far, more than 30 trucks full of 5-cent coins have reached Apple’s headquarter this morning.

Click the link above for the full article.

3 thoughts on “Samsung Tricks Apple, Pays $1Billion in 5-Cent Coins

  1. Pingback: Wow! Amazing View Stats–5,000+ for a Post Yesterday! | iStoryang HaaayTek!

  2. Pingback: mobile zeitgeist- Samsung zahlt die Strafe in bar

  3. Most countries have a legal maximum amount of tender that can be paid in petty cash and change. A British man very recently tried the same thing with a lawyer’s fees or something and got fined a further £10 000 for paying in inappropriate tender. $1bn? Sorry, unlikely. 😦


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